Toothless and Light Babies How to Train Your Dragon 3

" They are the ridiculously adorable offspring of the Night Fury and the Calorie-free Fury. It was some argue on what to phone call them: Day-and-Night Furies, 24-Hour Furies. Simply in the end, we settled on the Night Lights! [src] "
— Fishlegs

The Dark Light is a hybrid between a Dark Fury and a Light Fury that outset appeared in How to Train Your Dragon: The Subconscious World.


  • i Official Description
  • 2 Physical Appearance
    • ii.i Egg
    • two.ii Hatchling to Adult
  • 3 Abilities
    • iii.1 Firepower
    • 3.2 Electrical Discharge
    • iii.3 Cloaking
    • 3.four Speed and Agility
    • 3.five Strength
    • Endurance and Stamina
    • 3.7 Senses
    • 3.viii Intelligence
  • 4 Weaknesses
    • 4.1 Tail Fin Dependency
    • iv.2 Backup Generators
  • 5 Behavior and Personality
  • 6 Training
  • 7 Appearances
    • seven.1 How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden Globe
    • seven.2 How to Train Your Dragon: Homecoming
    • 7.3 Dragons: The Ix Realms
    • 7.four Games
      • vii.4.1 Dragons: Ascent of Berk
      • 7.four.ii School of Dragons
  • 8 Trivia
  • 9 References
  • 10 Site Navigation

Official Description

" The Dark Lights are the offspring of Toothless and the Light Fury. They live in the Hidden World and share some abilities of their parents.
Similar their parents, Night Lights take powerful plasma blasts. They fire first to warn and only openly assault when threatened.
Dragons: Rising of Berk

Concrete Appearance


RoB-Night Lights-Egg.jpg

In Dragons: Rise of Berk, Nighttime Light eggs have readily visible calibration patterns and are roughly the same shape as other mutual dragon eggs. They appear to have a base color of black with varying amounts of white speckling.

Hatchling to Developed

A mature Night Light.

Night Lights have an advent similar to both a Night Fury and a Light Fury since they are a hybrid of the two closely related species. They appear to have small spines on their back, like a Nighttime Fury whilst lacking the unmarried fin of the Lite Fury. Equally hatchlings, their tail fins are also much like that of a Nighttime Fury's just every bit they grow older, they abound a sail between the tail itself, giving them a more trident appearance or retain their dual fins in School of Dragons, They have four ear-like appendages on their head and are piebald in color.



Night Lights are capable of firing explosive plasma blasts very similar to that of their parents' species. As shown past Pouncer in School of Dragons, their plasma smash tin also create blinding flash of fire to distract their enemies. The ability appears to be unique to him.

Night Lights tin can utilize their blast to burn down a symbol into a wall. This was demonstrated past Thunder who used his plasma blast to depict the Strike Grade symbol on a rock.

Electric Discharge

Night Light Electrical Discharge .gif

1300 years afterwards the outset Dark Lights were built-in, the species has developed the ability to fire electric blasts from their mouths and generate shock fields around their bodies. These fields act equally EMPS, disrupting any electronic devices nearby. Adult Dark Lights are able store electricity in their bodies to such an extent that they are capable of shocking other objects and creatures through touch on. They also emit an electric aura effectually themselves.


Like their parents' species, Nighttime Lights possess the ability of cloaking. Cloaking occurs when their skin heats up, causing their scales to have mirror-like qualities, allowing them to temporarily blend in with their environs. Information technology is also possible that a Night Light can use lighting in a similar manner of their parent, the Dark Fury, to heat up their scales and go on cloak style.

Speed and Agility

Night Lights are very fast dragons, as babies can hands keep up with their parents in average speed flight and even spin in the air with no signs of slowing down. Adult Dark Lights are able to wing at the aforementioned speed as Night Furies and Light Furies, as well as inheriting their dive-bombing techniques.


2 of the NL are playing.gif

Even as hatchlings, Night Lights are stiff enough to comport or pin down others of their kind with their claws, also as a human child riding their backs or conveying them with their claws.

As an developed, Night Lights are shown to be able to carry a teenage human in their paws with ease, as well as carrying ii teenagers on their dorsum without any trouble.

Endurance and Stamina

The Night Light Hatchlings flyes to New Berk.gif

Night Lights demonstrate a great deal of stamina, as they can travel betwixt the Hidden World and New Berk in less than a day without residuum, although they do become very tired by the end. Their endurance and stamina seems to increase as they grow older, as Thunder showed no signs of requiring remainder or in need of stopping every bit he was chased past multiple dragons over a long period of time.

Their endurance as well allows them to withstand big amounts of hurting from concrete attacks without serious injuries. This could be seen when Thunder was knocked away past a Fault Ripper'south rock-difficult skinned tail into a stone wall, without whatever serious harm and almost immediately getting support to fight again.


Nighttime Lights take a expert sense of hearing, as Thunder recognize the sound of Tom's pickaxe and goes straight towards him.


Just similar Night and Low-cal Furies, Dark Lights are very intelligent, equally Dart instantly recognized Hiccup from her begetter's drawing and Thunder remembered his dragon class symbol despite Tom never showing him it. This intelligence allows them to be extremely expressive and creative. Thunder was able to create the Strike Class marker, a human being symbol, in perfect item simply by diggings his plasma blast onto a nearby rock. Their creativity, seems to be a trait they obtain from a immature age, as immature Night Lights are capable of drawing images simply like their Night Fury parents. Night Lights too seem to exist capable of fully agreement human speech, allowing them to perfectly follow orders by humans who train them.


Tail Fin Dependency

Just like their parents' species, Nighttime Lights are unable to fly if 1 of their tail fins is damaged, missing, or cut off. Like most dragons, including the Night Fury, Night Lights also collapse when scratched under a specific part of their mentum.

Backup Generators

In the mod earth, humans have (unknowingly) developed ways that can counteract the EMP waves that Nighttime Lights produce that tin can short-circuit electrical devices. If certain devices, such as ICARIS' motion activated spotlights, possess backup generators, then the electrical organization will only to be temporarily short-circuited for a few seconds before reactivating.

Behavior and Personality

The Night Light Hatchlings testing and playing with the snow.gif

The Night Lights' beliefs falls somewhere in between that of each parent. They are playful and curious by nature, only fiercely protective when danger is present. This not simply extends to themselves, merely also to those whom they are indebted too. Similar their Dark Fury ancestors, if a human rescues a Night Low-cal, the dragon will instantly begin to form a bond with that person, though it will take time for that bail to be fully cemented. They don't appear to exist scared of humans and even allow themselves to be touched past them, most likely due to their species'south lack of contact with humans.

It's implied that, similar to Skrills, adult Dark Lights are fatigued to thunderstorms, due to their electrical discharging abilities. Similar most species of dragons, the primary diet of the Night Lights is fish. They are also extremely picky eaters, forgoing virtually, if not all, other kinds of meat in favor of fish. Like to their parent species, Night Light'southward seem to exist a generally lonely species, though they possess stiff connections and loyalty towards others of their kind. Another trait that they share with the previous kinds of Furies is their capacity to understand man speech communication to a remarkable extent.


Establishing a bond with a Night Light.gif

Due to its natural curiosity towards humans, the Night Light appears to be a very easily trainable species. Young Night Lights have been shown to have very strong interests in humans, and generally very friendly towards them, which makes them uncommonly easy to befriend, every bit was the case with Pouncer with Nuffink.

Adult Night Lights, however, are slightly more hostile towards humans but no less curious about them. Like Nighttime Furies and Light Furies, their ancestral species, adult Night Lights will course emotional connections to whatsoever human being that rescues them. This could be seen when Thunder rescued Tom from falling into the Kullersen Fissure, after the boy had freed him from a pile of collapsed rocks. This only increased Thunder's curiosity of Tom, slowly assuasive them to bond as they spent more than time together.

To truly form a bond with an developed Night Lite, a human must gain its trust. 1 way to practise this is by feeding it fish, the dragon's chief diet. Once a Night Lite realizes that a nearby human being posses no threat, the dragon will let a bail to be cemented between itself and the human. After the bond is established, a Night Lite volition be fiercely loyal to its trainer, sharing a powerful emotional bond with him/her.


How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden Globe

About a decade later the dragons left New Berk, Toothless and the Light Fury had iii offsprings, which Hiccup named Nighttime Lights, as a combination between the names of their parents' species.

When Hiccup and his family visited the Hidden World, the three babies were resting on the cliffs around the waterfall's edge, along with their parents. After Toothless recognized his former rider, the two went for a flying, with the Night Lights flying close to them.

How to Train Your Dragon: Homecoming

The 3 known Night Lights —Dart, Pouncer, and Ruffrunner— feature prominently in this holiday short and are first seen when Toothless draws an image of Hiccup in the sands of the Hidden World. That evening, the siblings determine to venture out of the cave and find their father's human friend on the island of New Berk.

Soon after the Dark Lights arrive on the island, their parents face up them for leaving the Subconscious World. Still, they stay to sentinel the Snoggletog Pageant and learn the story of how their father and Hiccup brought peace between Vikings and dragons before returning to the Hidden World.

Dragons: The Nine Realms

In "First Flight, Role ane", Tom Kullersen discovers a Dark Calorie-free dragon he names Thunder while exploring the Kullersen Fissure, revealing the existence of dragons and eventually the Hidden World they live in.


Dragons: Rise of Berk

The three offsprings of Toothless and his mate accept been introduced in this game as Unique Dragons. Each of the Night Lights lives on a small sea stack that surrounds the Radiant Meadows.

Dragons: Rise of Berk also introduced costumes for each of the three Night Lights.

Schoolhouse of Dragons

The Night Lights are added to this game on December 12, 2019.


  • The Night Light is the first dragon hybrid to appear in the DreamWorks Dragons franchise.
  • The Dark Low-cal'south personality and mixed color traits greatly resemble real-life bicolor cats and kittens.
  • In Dragons: Rise of Berk, Night Lights keep their hatchling appearance fifty-fifty afterward they reach the Wide Wing and Titan Wing stages of growth, presumably to reflect the film.
  • In a piece of concept art from The Art of How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, black and white Dark Lights have green eyes making them resemble a babe Night Fury, while the blackness Nighttime Light has blue eyes making it resemble a baby Low-cal Fury.
  • In Rising of Berk, the Night Lights were called Dark Low-cal 1, 2 and iii, until their names were officially revealed.


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